Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium Grant?

The Pupil Premium Grant is allocated to children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) or have been eligible at any time in the last six years (Ever 6), children who have been looked after for at least one day (LAC) or have been adopted from care (Post-LAC), and children from service families.

Free-School Meals: Are you eligible?

If you are currently unemployed, or receiving income support from the government, your child may be eligible to have Free School Meals and also to be supported in school through the Pupil Premium Grant. If you or your spouse/partner receive any of the benefits below, and are not currently registered for Free School Meals (even if your child does not want to have a school dinner), please contact the school office, in confidence, who will be able to assist in making an application to the Local Authority.

How to check your eligibility

If you think you may be entitled to Free School Meals, please contact the Local Authority (details below) as soon as possible, who will be able to check your eligibility. Please also inform the school office that you have made contact with the Local Authority, so that we can follow up on your behalf if there is any query or delay.

School Services and Benefits Officer - Free School Meals

Achieving for Children

Phone: 020 8547 5448



How we use the Pupil Premium Grant

The school recognises that the main barriers to learning and educational achievements faced by pupils eligible for pupil premium include a range of family and social issues, access to computers at home and support with completing homework, and lack of funds to contribute towards school events, trips and school journeys. In addition to our annual strategies, therefore, the school provides a Homework Club for children to attend during the day with access to laptops and where they can ask a staff member for help; Nurture Clubs of small group activities to help build social and friendship skills, self-esteem and motivation; provides support to parents in difficulty by applying for grants and bursaries for school journeys on their behalf, or helping them with applications to local charities; and works hard to ensure families and carers are part of the whole school community.

Our annual strategies for the current and previous academic years can be found below, including information about funding the school has received, how it was spent, and an outline of the impact our strategies have had on pupils attainment in the previous year. Further information about our whole school attainment and progress can also be found in our Benchmark Table for Parents information page.

Please click below for our school's strategy for use of the Pupil Premium Grant

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24